Live to Learn DISC Certification

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Live to Learn DISC Certification

The Live to Learn DISC Certification Program provides you with credentials that demonstrate your indepth understanding of DISC, the Facilitation System, and its applications. It ensures that you are grounded in the newest DiSC research and provides a way for you to demonstrate your commitment to excellence and innovation. You’ll be able to deliver your own DiSC training knowing you have a complete understanding of DiSC.

This program is delivered either on site or virtually for participants to learn the DiSC model, theory, history and review the Everything DiSC product(s) of your choice. Participants will demonstrate their knowledge and understanding of the content through teach back activities and writing a short exam upon completion.

The agenda will include:

  • Learn the DiSC model, history and theory
  • Participate in an Everything DiSC facilitated session
  • Discover the Contents of the Facilitation Kit
  • Review the Applications of the DiSC report(s)
  • Build Customized Solutions in your Workplace
  • Practice through TeachBack Activities
  • Review EPIC (Electronic Profile Information Center)
  • Complete a Written Exam

Wiley’s Everything DiSC Workplace

Everything DiSC Workplace® Certification is designed to increase confidence and expertise in delivering the Everything DiSC Workplace program.

The course uses a blended-learning approach spanning 3 weeks involving:
Self-directed online learning: Modularized, engaging activities that allow you to absorb knowledge at your own pace; online activities must be completed before their corresponding live virtual classroom session.
Live virtual‐classroom sessions: Three 90-minute instructor-led online sessions involving small and large group activities.
Project Team Plan: Ongoing assignment that promotes application of the learning to a real or potential workshop, followed by a group presentation in the third live session.

Upon successful completion of all self-directed activities, attending all live sessions, and passing the final exam, learners will earn the credential of a Certified Everything DiSC Workplace® Facilitator